Are you 30 - 45 and feeling lost in life?
At the age of 35 I was in the grips of alcohol and drug addiction, 17 stone overweight and feeling like my life was out of control. I realised something needed to change and it had to come from me. Over the next 5 years I have completely transformed my life. If you are feeling like I was then I am just the Woman to help you.
My exclusive 12 month membership, Unapologetically You, will guide you through the steps needed to reclaim your life. This includes working on your mindset, creating a vision, manifesting your dream life, obtaining emotional intelligence which will all give you the determination and dedication to achieve the life of your dreams.
You'll join other Women on the same journey as you and together you will realise that the power was within you. You just needed someone to help you find it again. When Women empower Women, magical things happen.
Click the link below for more information and how to sign up. I can't wait to work with you.
Hey, I'm Rhi.
and I'm the original Sober Badass.
Then everything changed for me and it can for you too.
I decided to get to work on January 1st 2017. I knew this wouldn't happen overnight but I was willing to do the work until I had achieved every goal I set for myself. My success wasn't linear, not in the slightest but this is one of the things I will help you to push through to ensure you still achieve your goals, regardless of any bumps in the road.
In the last 5 years I almost lost my life, was diagnosed with a chronic illness, suffered facial paralysis, grieved the death of my Grandma and sadly found out my Father has Huntington's Disease. Before, just one of those situations would have sent me spiralling but I now have a way to help me through and ultimately ensure I don't lose myself again or turn back to substances.
I believe there is nothing in life that you cannot overcome with the right tools, mindset and support. The reason I believe I am so successful in what I do is because I have been where you are. I understand what you're going through and I am able to support you on a personal level. You will find no judgement when working with me and this is the reason I am so open and honest with my story, I want to be the person I needed when I was lost. That voice which says 'It's ok, you are not alone,'
Many Women between the ages of 30-45 are tired with life. They have spent years trying to 'do it all' and are now realising that they forgot themselves along the way. It is not selfish to want more from life, it's an absolute necessity. Why shouldn't you live the life you deserve? Free from trauma, limiting beliefs, fear and addictions.
It's time to find the real you, the one you know is in there but you can't seem to bring out and this is exactly what I will empower you to do.
So why am I the person who can help you?
Fast forward 5 years. I am now 17 stone lighter in weight, 4 years clean and sober from alcohol & cocaine and living a life which is truly amazing. Let me inspire and empower you to stand back up and reclaim your life.
Just like I did.
Together we will create a life you don't need to escape from.
love Rhi xx
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